
I'm sure back home they think I've lost my mind...

This is one of my favourite Ben Folds lyrics, and I often think it applies to me, as I am usually not "back home". I've spent two of the past 12 months back in Canada, the year before that I spent two and a half months in South America, and before that I spent most of four years studying in Halifax, a city almost 2000 kilometres from home. So the people I grew up with haven't really seen some of the crazy shit I've done in these foreign places (don't worry Mom and Dad, I haven't actually done any crazy shit).

So, when I decide to go back to Denmark for another year away from all my home friends and family, I can understand if peeps back home are thinking "So... what's Dan doing anyway?" Most people haven't seen the films I've worked on, so for all they know I really could be just fuckin' around and doing shit-all. Thankfully, that's not the case - I'm actually moving up in the world, working at a (slightly) paid internship. If all goes according to plan, this will lead to an actual film-related job, most likely somewhere in the UK, like London or Northern Ireland.

Yes, even Northern Ireland. Which might actually lead those back home to really say "Hmm, indeed it appears he has lost his mind." London is an insanely competitive place and Northern Ireland has a faltering (at best) job market. But I spent 3 days there visiting a wonderful young lady I met while travelling and, well... if things could work out so we're in the same city/country/neighbourhood... well then I just might pursue it. Even if it is with someone I've known for less than 3 months. Or at least someone to go travelling around Europe with in the summer and visit back and forth until then, despite friends of mine saying "Dan when are you going to get a proper job, get settled" yadda yadda yadda. And to tell ya the truth, I'm kinda excited for when I finally get the whole '9 to 5' package. But that's not for a while. I got what, 55... 60 more years, right? So, just trust me. I haven't lost my mind.

Not completely. ;)