
My Roommate

First name: Jacob (pronounced "yacob")
Last name: Møller (pronounced in a way I'd have to remove part of my tongue to do properly)

Over the years, I've had a variety of living circumstances - my own room in my family's house, a cabin with a bunch of fellow campers, roommate at camp, housemates in university, etc. This is the first time where I have had an extended period living in the same room as someone else (no door between us). And the following lists should tell you how this has worked out for me:

Some Things I Like About My Roommate:
  1. We have complimentary personalities - we instantly got along and we even hang out outside of our room and we even hang out outside of our room every day!
  2. We have the same sense of humour - we watch Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, & Futurama episodes together and quote them to each other daily (also, we hid a banana somewhere on campus and we check on it periodically and tell people about it to see if they can find it - no one has thus far)
  3. He likes my story ideas - and I like his! We seem to think along the same lines when it comes to creative expression
  4. He doesn't get stupid drunk - I really don't want to be one of those roommates who will disapprove of everything my roommate does that I don't do, i.e. drinking, and luckily I feel I have not had to be that way. Jacob drinks and he drinks enough to get intoxicated, but he does not puke all over the place, he does not become an asshole, he doesn't even really act any different; maybe just a little more giddy. And I'm reeeeally glad to have a roommate like that while living in the country that apparently drinks the most alcohol per capita
  5. We have started a Banana Race! - since both Jacob and I loves us some banana-eating, we have a running tally on my pinboard to see who will eat the most bananas by the end of the year. Right now I am winning by 3 and a half. But I'm gonna have another one later today
  6. He is a very silent sleeper - sometimes when I wake up in the middle of night I worry that he's dead because he usually doesn't even make breathing noises. Very thankful to have a non-snoring roommate
Some Things I Hate About My Roommate
  1. He's ugly - plain and simple
  2. He's stupid - plain and simple
  3. He likes Lars von Trier too much - yecch
  4. He tracks water all over the bathroom after he showers (this one is an actual pet peeve but isn't something I worry myself about too much)
So yeah, good guy. Take that previous roommates/housemates. You know you are.

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