
Hola Córdoba!

I feel like this warranted a separate post, so if you come to this one, read the one below it before you read this. Assuming you care to follow along my exploits to a chronological T...

Córdoba is really nice. There are lush green trees along the sidewalks, a really nice city center, still a plentitude of bars and places to go, while still remaining más tranquilo (more tranquil) than crazy-ass Buenos Aires. The drivers here are still crazy, just un poco menos loco. If there's one stereotype I'd give Argentines it's that they have a Jekyll'n'Hyde thing going on with driving - they are wonderful, nice people on the sidewalks and in buildings but when they are in cars they can be nuckin' FUTS! Gas, break, honk! Gas, break, honk! Honk, honk, punch! Gas, gas, gas...

Anywho, I've been here for a couple days now, I start my volunteering tomorrow (I'm gonna teach the kids soccer & basketball!) and everything so far looks like it's gonna be really nice. My host family (which, as most host families consist of, is an old woman) is really nice and kind, as is my Swedish roommate Joanne.

Anywho, I don't really have anything witty or inspirational to say. I'm not even gonna attempt.
Hasta luego, chicos!

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