
Homesickness (And Other Third World Illnesses)

So Córdoba has been really awesome thus far, although I spent the weekend in Mendoza (another nice little city in Argentina), so I haven't spent too much time here. When I first arrived, I think I caught a good bout of homesickness, but I think I found the cause. In Buenos Aires I had so many things to do and to distract myself with, whereas Córdoba is much more relaxed, there are plenty of things to see and do, but it's not as busy as BA and I'm also not living in a residence with tons of other students in the heart of the city. I'm living with a sweet old lady out on the west side of the city, off the city tourism map in fact.

But now that I've met some people and found some things to do, I think I'm okay. The people here are really really nice. I even got to meet the young woman who helped me coordinate my trip by email when I was organizing things back in Canadá.

However, homesickness is not the only disease that has been going around. Last Tuesday I caught some sort of physical ill-feeling from eating a sandwich in the food court of the mall by my house, which I vomited up early the next morning. I told my host abuela (grandma) about it and she said that contaminated, unfresh meat is a problem in Argentina, so I should purchase the cenar (supper) plan with her, which I have done. I had my first meal by her last night and it was delicious. So illnesses cured there...

As for my volunteer work, I have been working for about a week now in an after-school program for underprivileged kids. I've done stuff like draw pictures with them, teach basketball and soccer, and drink tea/sugary milk with them (they love putting sugar in milk in Argentina, which ironically seems to taste sweeter than their chocolate milk). It's an absolute blast and they are all really friendly with me, even though they sometimes get mad when I don't give them exactly what they want... but of course Canadian kids never do thaaat.

It is kinda sad that their soccer field has a lot of garbage all over it and that one of the kids (I noticed this yesterday when he smiled in my face - that's exactly how it sounds) had a huge black mark on one of his front teeth, which I assume is a cavity. And other kids have scratches and marks on their faces that have been there for days. But at the same time, when these kids are kicking around a soccer ball they are having a blast and they love trying to play tricks on me cuz I don't speak their language very well... which is fun. It is. Confusing, but fun, and it makes them happy. On Friday they had heard someone playing a rap song on their car radio or something and were all asking me "Qué signifique 'mothafucka'?" I just told them don't worry it's a mal palabra (bad word). Then of course a few of them tried to make me say some mal palabras... oh kids.

Oh yeah and sorry Mom'n'Dad I didn't tell you about the getting sick and stuff, I didn't want you to worry. I'm fine now. Más o menos.

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